All them gays and lesbos keep crying about, 'wah wah wah let me get married because we ain't hurtin' no one and we just wanna be gay and lesbo and we like it!' Shit, I say if they're so hung up on the word 'married' or just want to be recognized by all the cool governors and the president as a couple, then fuck it, go for it! I guess just try to find a way so that all the people that find that kind of thing an abomination don't have to support it through taxes etc... that way they don't have to feel all guilty for supporting some perversion or whatever the fuck.
But the point here is that no one is saying gays and lesbos can't just go in a room and fuck each other all weird and however they want. This is because of basic human rights. If you wanna fuck with that shit and make it illegal then you'd have to make jacking off illegal and that's not gonna happen because Louis C.K. and I would vote against it.
So, everyone should just leave you the fuck alone when you trying to do something that don't harm no one. Please excuse my double negatives and my wont of typing however the fuck I do.
Why would anyone have a problem with some fuck doing drugs or killing thyself?
The atheist should be thinking, 'Well there's certainly no god, so go for it. Smoke weed in your room all damn day and eat Cheetos and watch horror movies and fuck you.' Why should an atheist be voting against any drug as long as the user don't hurt no one but hisself? Shit, alcohol and cigarettes are legal and that shit kills all sorts of people and sometimes the users kill other fucking people! This is insane!
Make drugs legal and the fucking gangsters won't have anything to sell. It'll just be a fucking gun war instead of a drug and gun war.
The Christian or theist shouldn't have a problem with drugs either. Christians don't want anyone to be forced into becoming a Christian (or at least they shouldn't want that) because then it don't mean shit to god. So, if someone isn't a Christian, what difference does it make to a Christian whether that person uses drugs or not? They're going to hell either way right? And they're not going to make being a non-Christian illegal because they don't want to force anyone to be a Christian (as aforementioned). Jesus wants everyone to choose for themselves. So Jesus would rather you be an honest fuck up than a lying fake ass bitch ass Christian.
And the agnostic... well they don't know shit.
Because there are so many ups and downs in this life, I would never agree that killing oneself is a good idea. I don't think anyone should ever kill thyself unless it is to save someone else or something of that nature. With that said though, how the fuck is killing yourself illegal? I mean shit, if life is straight up torture and you just want out, who the fuck can you tell you no? God will make his judgements when you meet him after you kill yourself and you'll take it from there. To take suicide away from someone just seems like taking away the most basic right away. No one chose to come into existence or life, so, who has the right to stop you if you don't want anything to do with it?
What do they do to you if you try to kill thyself? Put you in a straight jacket, give you pills, and the insane asylum workers all bone you when their bosses aren't looking. Worse than suicide!
Let's be honest here. If you eat like shit and never work out you are literally killing yourself; you are making it so that you die fifteen years earlier than you would have. Slow suicide. Add on top of that smoking or whatever the fuck else and you're killing yourself all day. There is no way to escape killing yourself--you're born and you instantly start dying. I'm not saying kill yourself. I'm saying don't judge someone or make it illegal for killing thyself.
Shit, what is the difference if you're ninety years old and you're being kept alive for three more years by a machine and you're suffering all the time and just letting go right then and there instead?
I'm just saying that, hell, if they really want to and they ain't hurtin' no one then fuck it. You shouldn't force someone to not do something they want to do that isn't gonna hurt anyone.
I don't know anything about any of this... I'm just blogging out loud. Everything is absurd. Humans are absurd. Maybe we're just trying to make ourselves feel better about ourselves with every single thought that passes through our heads and then we try to fix those thoughts with further thoughts. God is the only thing that is not absurd. Is God a thing? You know what I mean.
Why do I write all this bullshit? To say that Canada might be getting it right. Canada rules. Brazil rules too because they have good fighters and beautiful people and amazing soccer players. The USA is still cooler and better than both of those countries though.
"O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee"
Watch this video about what some Canadians are up to (it's only 3mins long):
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