This happened last night: June 4, 2013.
I was watching Knight and Day because it was on TV, and come to find out that there is a mouse in one of the toilets in the house. In general, if I see a mouse around the house I'll fucking freak out. It has something to do with the open space that we're all in.
The mouse can go anywhere, when it's in open space! It can run up my leg or hide under the sofa, and then it'll be there until it wants to get out or until you move the sofa, but if you move the sofa, it'll run wherever the hell it wants to!
And then you might even lose sight of it and not know where it is! How can you sleep like that?!
Well, anyway, this mouse was in a toilet, so I wasn't freaked out. The poor damned thing was stuck in a single spot; I had the upper hand.
I opened the lid.
"Well how did you get in there, you crazy bugger?"
The mouse didn't respond, but I noticed that it was actually drowning. It would try to hold on to the ceramic just above the toilet water, but it kept slipping back under water, so it was only getting a little bit of breath every once in a while.
I got the lid of a shoebox and pulled it out and into a trashcan. I can't stand the idea of just killing a little animal like that; it probably has an animal soul or something, no?
Anyway, I dumped it outside, thinking that it was gonna run free, but it just stumbled out of the trashcan and stopped. I poked it. It just stayed there all wet and barely breathing. Oh well, fuck it, I thought, and I went inside.
I couldn't sleep, so hours later (at 5am), I went to check on the mouse. There were millions of ants all over it! I thought it was dead, but as I looked closer, I could see it still breathing. I scooped the little fucker up in the shoebox lid and hosed it down with the hose. I got all the idiot ants off of it, but the mouse just laid there barely breathing. I put him back in the trashcan and took it into my bathroom.
I dried the little dude off with napkins, and then I threw a bunch of grains and a piece of fruit into the trashcan (I googled what mice eat), and then I covered it with a sock that had the other pair missing. It slowly tried to munch on the fruit. I went to sleep.
When I woke up I went into the bathroom and the little guy was jumping around everywhere and alive! I took him outside and dumped him out of the trashcan.
He ran away—fast as hell. He didn't even look back. He didn't even thank me. I got a little sad. I had saved that guy like three times: from drowning, from starving, from hypothermia, from being eaten by ants.
I saved a mouse.