Saturday, November 15, 2014

Notes from Underground: to Princess Mononoke from Alyosha: so Kerouac... so Dostoevsky

Dear Princess Mononoke,

The sands have shifted, I got lost for a second, still underground but not for long.

I caught a glimpse of you and I remembered a certain light—a good one.

Well you told me your name and I remembered good things. Are you kidding me? Lise Louiselle Marie Martineau: can a name get any more fancy or regal? Were your parents inspired by an immense and important painting from an immense and important era (Romantic? Renaissance? A cool future one we don’t know about yet?)—is it French as all hell? (Pardon my French.) Ah, is it French-Canadian/Canadian-French? Like Jack Kerouac? It’s so Jack Kerouac, your name, it’s so Dostoevsky. Princess Mononoke, you’re so Miyazaki too. And, me, sharing Dostoevsky’s hero’s name, I’m so Dostoevsky too: Alyosha. How would you pronounce my name? “Al-yosha”? “A-lee-osha”? I’m so Dostoevsky for different reasons. Poor me, right?

I saw a light. Thanks for reaching out; making things a little lighter, here underground. A humble character, thanks for letting me metaphorically kiss your hand, your highness, Princess Mononoke. My letters will make a good rope and help get me out of here. God lights our way, even for us Kerouackian types. Until the next letter…


Written, Typen by My Father

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