Thursday, September 15, 2011

Evil Is On A Raping Rampage

Evil.  The Bad One.  What a fucking dick.  I don't get it.  I don't get it.  I mean, if there is NO God, no ultimate Creator and caring dude in the heavens then there is no good reason to be moral.  And there is no such thing as good or bad.  Good or bad to who?  It would all be relative and our selections of what's right and wrong would be so ARBITRARY.  If we came from the fishes and evolved into dudes and dudettes and there is no God then we are simply evolved worms that invented rules as to how to live and we have chosen what is evil and good arbitrarily.  What does this mean?  That in actuality, nothing is really evil or good, bad or good.  People that believe this should simply try to get away with as much pleasure as possible before they die and fuck everyone else.

I don't believe that way.

There must be a God.  If there is a God then there is an agent of morality and a foundation and a place where we can ground our morals upon.  There is truth and if there is truth then we can move forward in knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, understanding, discernment, and that can help us do what is right and good.

A dude rapes a little girl.  EVIL.  EVIL.  EVIL.  And this evil fills us with hatred toward all things evil.  It's so easy to talk shit about "rape this rape that rape rape rape."  But can you imagine someone violating your body?  Can you imagine?  Imagine...

You've got a good drunk going, but you're not too far gone--just tipsy and feeling good.  You walk around a corner and before you know it a couple dudes grab you and throw you into a van.  Now you're scared as all hell; you scream, but no one can hear you with your mouth covered by a dirty, strong hand.  The van roars off to who the fuck knows where and now you're in real trouble and utter terror and panic seizes you.

They park who the fuck knows where.  There is NO ESCAPE.  Your hands are bound tight and your wrists hurt.  Your mouth is gagged and your clothes are being stripped away slowly.  VIOLATION VIOLATION VIOLATION!  For fucks sake!  This can't be happening to YOU.  This can't be happening to ANYONE!  Yet your clothes are all but gone and finally you are naked and writhing in terror.  Someone shoves themselves into you and that's it.  You are as good as dead.  Your soul has been raped.  You become weak.  No matter how much you struggle it is useless.  There is spit and saliva dripping all over your face.  More and more evil men rape you--taking turns raping you.  You could be a man or woman going through this.

And then they dump your ass out the van.

For months you sit at home not staring at anything and who would want to ever sleep after going through something like that?  Sleep becomes you here and there, but of course you wake up in panics every time.  Your previous life has been shattered.  YOU have been shattered.  You'll never be the same.

No one wants to talk to you about it because they don't know if you want to talk about it or whatever.  They don't know what it's like.  They can't imagine in a million years what you've gone through.  They would have to go through it in order to really know.  Your will had been taken from you.  You were made sub-human--all your human dignity stripped away from you.

Then you meet someone that has gone through the same thing.  And both of you can just sit next to each other and talk about other shit and not have to mention the evil that changed your lives.  You feel comfortable and you can smile around that person; they can hug you and you can hug them back and when you do you can hold each other in a strong embrace--holding each other so that you won't literally fall apart.  Those are the only people you can completely be comfortable with.  You are SO happy/relieved/ecstatic there is SOMEONE/ANYONE you can touch without almost losing your mind.  One look into each other's eyes to acknowledge the pain you both carry and to give each other hope.  There is hope.

After years go by, you see a bum on the street.  Your heart goes out to the motherfucker and even though you know he'll probably spend any money you give to him on meth, you give him whatever cash you have on you and you talk to him, "Hey man, where you from?"

"Oh just from here.  I'm from here.  Thanks for the help.  God bless you."

"Ya man you too.  Hey man, take care of yourself."

You find that your empathy for people has grown.  You cry easily for joyous things and for sad things and at all movies for whatever reason.  You find that you love people deeper and more fully and that you hate evil in a more serious way and that you actually feel bad for evil-doers because they live in the darkness not knowing light and goodness and that they are doomed if they don't change.  You are so changed, and you look back at how you've changed.  You try to imagine and remember the life you used to live before that evil raped you.  It's hard to imagine or remember your old life.  It's hard to fathom how simple life used to be--not a care in the world.  And now?  Now, you appreciate even the smallest good things.  You are amazed at the good in the world in the face of so much evil.  You love goodness much more than you did before.  Life is so much more richer and you are a more grateful person and you are amazed life is not as bad as it could be.  And you are amazed you are even thinking this way.  And finally, you are amazed that the question pops into your head, "If I could, would I change anything that has ever happened to me, including all the evils I've been through?"  You are amazed because, you don't know the answer and you are inclined to answer "no."  Through your trials and tribulations you have become a better person.  Someone that knows this is no bullshit, simple, Disneyland world we live in.  There is a war going on out there every day.  Evil is on a rampage and you are aware of it and aware that many people are suffering in the world, and your heart goes out to them and you do what you can to help and perhaps you devote your life to changing the world for the better in any way you can.  Mysterious how something so nightmarish can be turned into something positive.  Good will always trump Evil.

It is just too bad that we can't all just be good all the time and be grateful and full of love without first going through shitty, evil, hard, humbling, spiritually exhausting times.  Why do we have to learn the hard way all the time?

My point: Evil beyond shadow of doubt exists.  Ipso facto, Goodness exists.  Ipso facto, God exists.  Ipso facto, LOVE exists.

There are many stories about shitty dudes or dudettes who end up going through tough times and in the end they are better people because of the tough times they endure.  That's what's up.

Life is tough y'all.  Fuck evil.  Evil is real.  Fuck evil.  That was just one example of evil and there are too many others that exist.  Any evil is too much evil.  Evil sucks man.  I don't understand The Evil One.

Moral of the story: "Be excellent to each other."

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